Writer Davy Rothbart reads from his book My Heart is an Idiot during the national release party at Lincoln Park.

Writer Davy Rothbart reads from his book My Heart is an Idiot (Farrar, Straus and Giroux) during the book’s national release party, which was held at Lincoln Park.


Visiting Writers

In addition to our core faculty, students in The Writing & Publishing Department engage with visiting authors through special workshops, master classes, and lectures. Some past visiting authors include:

Ben Westhoff, investigative journalist and bestselling author of Fentanyl, Inc.

Jim Daniels, poet and author of The Perp Walk

Wende Dikec, author of the Dark Blossoms series

Sharon Dilworth, Director of Creative Writing at Carnegie Mellon University

Malcolm Friend, poet and author of Our Bruises Kept Singing Purple

Lee Gutkind, founder of Creative Nonfiction

Yona Harvey, poet and writer for Marvel comics

Terrance Hayes, National Book Award winner and MacArthur Foundation Fellow

Neil McCormick, London Daily Telegraph music critic and author of Killing Bono and Zero

Alan Olifson, author of Manchild: My Life Without Adult Supervision

Davy Rothbart, author of My Heart Is an Idiot and FOUND Magazine founder

Toni Robino, best-selling ghostwriter and founder, WindWords Literary Agency

Jeffrey Zazlow, co-author of the bestseller The Last Lecture